CanAm Enterprises Announces 33 EB-5 Loan Repayments; More Than 1,700 Investor-Families Fully Repaid

New York, NY — Further setting itself apart as an EB-5 industry leader, CanAm Enterprises today announces its 33rd EB-5 loan repayment to 34 investors. To date, more than 1,700 investor-families have received permanent green cards as well as full principal repayment through investing with CanAm Enterprises. The most recent repayment marked the first project maturity in CanAm Enterprises’s Hawaii Regional Center. The proceeds of the $17 million EB-5 loan helped develop a college campus in the city of Kapolei in West O’ahu, Hawaii. Development of the new campus included construction of a campus center as well as classroom, laboratory, library and maintenance buildings. Necessary site work, infrastructure and land improvements, including of parking, landscaping, lighting, roads, and walkways, were also completed. The project was completed in summer 2012 and classes commenced in fall 2012. Recently, CanAm Enterprises has undertaken a systematic, comprehensive and independent audit from the global accounting firm PKF O’Connor Davies to review its track record. At the conclusion of its review, PKF was able to verify that CanAm Enterprises facilitated 1,711 investor repayments, representing an aggregate EB-5 capital repayment amount of $855.5 million. With this additional $17 million loan repayment, CanAm’s repayment amount has reached $872.5 million, breaking another industry record for EB-5.

About CanAm Enterprises 

CanAm Enterprises, with over three decades of experience promoting immigration-linked investments in the US and Canada, has a demonstrated track record of success. With over 60 financed projects and $3 billion in raised EB-5 investments, CanAm has earned a reputation for credibility and trust. To date, CanAm has repaid more than $2.26 billion in EB-5 capital from over 4,530 families. CanAm manages several USCIS-designated regional centers that stretch across multiple states. For more information, please visit

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