US EB-5 Visa Investment: Indians cautiously consider new tax rules effective next month

By Peter Calabrese

Unlike other visas, such as H-1B, the EB-5 visa does not require employment or family sponsorship.

As the calendar turns closer to the October 1 effective date for India’s higher tax rate on outbound financial transfers, Indians planning to send money abroad are understandably weighing whether to accelerate their transactions to avoid the upfront impact of the tax change.

One group eying this increase very closely are Indians inquiring about the EB-5 visa immigration by investment program. This program, administered by U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS), has been used by thousands of Indian families seeking permanent residency in America.

About CanAm Enterprises 

CanAm Enterprises, with over three decades of experience promoting immigration-linked investments in the US and Canada, has a demonstrated track record of success. With over 60 financed projects and $3 billion in raised EB-5 investments, CanAm has earned a reputation for credibility and trust. To date, CanAm has repaid more than $2.26 billion in EB-5 capital from over 4,530 families. CanAm manages several USCIS-designated regional centers that stretch across multiple states. For more information, please visit

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