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Indian nationals formed the biggest chunk of EB-5 applicants in FY19
By Priyanka Sangani Oct 07, 2020, 06:27 AM IST Synopsis The EB-5 investor program provides US citizenship to applicants once they invest $900,000 in any of a few specific opportunities. The investment amount was $500,000 before it was increased in November last year. PUNE: Indian nationals overtook those from China and Vietnam to file […]

Despite COVID, CanAm Collects on $20 Million Loan on Behalf of Its EB-5 Investors
CanAm Enterprises is pleased to announce that it has secured full repayment of its $20 million loan to the City Center Allentown Project on behalf of its 40 EB-5 Program investors. The EB-5 loan financed the construction of a full-service Marriott Renaissance Hotel and Three City Center office building in downtown Allentown, Pennsylvania. “With COVID […]

CanAm’s Sora West Office EB-5 Project Receives Exemplar Approval from USCIS
CanAm Enterprises (CanAm) is pleased to announce that the exemplar Form I-924 Application for the SORA West Office Project (the “Project”) has been approved by the United States Citizenship and Immigration Services (USCIS). This application was filed in August 2019 and was approved in approximately 12 months, significantly shorter than the average I-924 processing time. […]

EB-5 fund invests $50M in Hialeah warehouse park – looking for more Florida projects
BY REBECCA SAN JUAN SEPTEMBER 17, 2020 07:00 AM MIAMI An EB-5 investment firm searched the state for a potential prosperous development, and decided to bet on a Hialeah warehouse project. And it has another $125 million to drop. CanAm Enterprises, founded 33 years ago in Canada, invested $50 million into the Countyline Corporate Park project in […]

Impact of Suspension of H1B and Other Visas on US Immigration
The United States of America has welcomed millions of immigrants from various countries over the years to study, work, build and expand business. However, the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic has influenced the US government to revisit immigration policies to maintain an economic balance in the country. As per the amended rule The United States of America […]

AILA and IIUSA Submit Joint Comments Opposing Changes to USCIS Policy Manual Regarding Deployment of Capital in EB-5 Category
AILA Doc. No. 20082501 | Dated August 24, 2020 The new guidance impacts the deployment of investment capital or further deployment of investment capital after the job creation requirement is satisfied, amending the USCIS Policy Manual On 8/24/20, AILA joined IIUSA in submitting joint comments opposing USCIS’s recent changes to the USCIS Policy Manual regarding […]

How a Controversial Immigration Program Can Fill Funding Gaps
By Carleton English Aug. 19, 2020 6:44 pm ET As banks tighten their lending standards amid the economic downturn, proponents for a little known—and somewhat controversial—program for foreign investors seeking to move to the U.S. are hoping to fill funding gaps for projects ranging from office spaces, condos, and even rail lines. The EB-5 immigration program grants conditional […]

CanAm Enterprises Achieves Industry-Leading Milestone
CanAm Enterprises Achieves Industry-Leading Milestone by Repaying USD 1.75 Billion to 3,500 EB-5 Investors CanAm Enterprises (CanAm), a leading full-service financial firm sponsoring EB-5 immigration-linked investment funds, today announced the repayment of $350 million from its All Aboard Florida Project, the largest single project repayment in history of the EB-5 Program, representing 700 EB-5 investors. […]

Key factors to consider before applying for a US EB-5 Visa
Published: August 09, 2020 07:00 by Gulf News The EB-5 visa program was established by the US government in 1990 to attract foreign direct investment into the United States. The program with its minimum investment amount of $900,000 is aimed at high net worth individuals around the world who intend to settle in the United […]